June 04, 19
Auth 0 Night!! on June 3rd 2019
FPT ジャパン エグゼクティブエバンジェリスト 独立行政法人 国立印刷局 デジタル統括アドバイザー兼最高情報セキュリティアドバイザー Microsoft で C#、.NET、Visual Studio、Windows、iOS、Android、Microsoft Azure 等の開発者向け技術啓発活動を担当。その後、Dell、Accenture、Elastic、VMware を経て現職(2024年入社)まで一貫して技術啓発活動を継続。NVIDIA との戦略的協業である AI GPU クラウドサービス や、各パブリッククラウドベンダーとの AI &データ関連サービスの技術マーケティング、プリセールス活動、教育活動、関連新規サービス開発、等を実施。
Expectation to Auth0 Japan 〜 mainly as an Executive Advisor to the Government CIO, Japan 〜 Shotaro Suzuki Technical Fellow, Evangelist FIXER Inc. Executive Advisor to the Government CIO Secretariat, Japan © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. Cabinet
Shotaro Suzuki FIXER Inc. Technical Fellow, Evangelist Executive Advisor to the Government CIO Japan (Cabinet Secretariat & Ministry of Justice) Ex-Microsoft Technical Evangelist (DPE → DX) Follow me! © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. @shosuz
FIXER Inc. Company Overview ■会社名 株式会社FIXER ■所在地 東京本社 名古屋事業所 FIXERクラウドセンター(三重) ⾦沢事業所 FIXER Technologies, Inc. (⽶国) ■設⽴ 2009年11⽉6⽇ ■代表取締役社⻑ 松岡 清⼀ ■関連会社 ドラゴン東京 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
Services Overview of FIXER Inc. cloud.config - Managed Cloud DevOps Services (Core Product) Fintech/MaaS Services Development (Enterprise Customers) AI/Machine Learning and IoT Platform (R & D) Fintech サービス開発 クラウドバンキングの開発から、 デジタル時代の銀⾏のビジネスと システムアーキテクチャデザイン Lift & Shift マネージド サービス MaaS (Mobility as a Service) cloud.config クラウド移⾏の 難易度・効果を クイックに診断、 プランをご提案 AI / Machine Learning 先端技術開発 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. マルチモーダルサービス対応の アプリ開発、⾃動運転時代の データプラットフォーム開発 ⾃然⾔語処理のLegal Tech応⽤、 対話型エージェントの開発 設計・監視・運⽤ ・保守を24/7⽀援 するフルネージド サービス cloud.config Portal プロビジョニング からスケーリング までを⾃動化する 管理ポータル IoT Platform クラウドの利点をフル活⽤できる 5G時代のデータ収集・転送・分析 プラットフォームの開発
Microsoft Partnership and Awards ◆2018年 ・Microsoft Japan Partner of the Year Financial Services Award 受賞 ◆2017年 ・Microsoft Worldwide Partner Award 受賞 ◆2016年 ・⽇本から唯⼀、Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conferenceにブース出展 ・Microsoft「AppSource」にて、⽇本市場初のサービス提供開始 ◆2015年 ・⽶国Microsoftが選出する⽇本第1号の 「Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution Provider」に認定 ・Microsoft MVP Awardを社員2名が受賞 (Data Platform[Azure Machine Learning]カテゴリー) ◆2013年、2014年 ・「Microsoft Japan Partner of the Year」受賞 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
Agenda • Becoming the worldʼs most advanced IT nation • The Digital First Act was passed by the Diet last month. • Introducing Government CIO Portal • Discussion Paper edited by Executive Advisors to the Gov. CIO • Expectation © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
Activities of Government of Japan • 世界最先端デジタル 国家創造宣⾔ • 官⺠データ活⽤推進 基本計画 • デジタル・ガバメント 推進⽅針 • デジタル・ガバメント 実⾏計画 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. 世界最先端デジタル国家 実⾏計画が ⽬指すもの (ToBe)
Outline of the Declaration to Be the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation / Basic Plan for the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data Utilization Part 1: Entering a new phase in Japan’s IT strategy (creating a society in which people are enriched by data) ~Becoming the world’s most advanced IT nation according to a basic plan for the advancement of public and private sector data utilization~ 【 Creating an environment to enable ultra-high-speed access and utilization in approximately three years 】 Developments in IT-related technologies and changes in the usage environment over the last decade 【Usage environment】 【Advancements in network infrastructure】 e-Japan Strategy ● Enterprises: At some enterprises and in some industrial sectors, there have been ● Wired: Up to 1 to 10 Gbps (fiber optics) 2001 (Includes the development of ultra-high-speed advancements in data utilization and data linkages (including in terms of Wireless: Up to more than 500 Mbps (4G) (5G (characterized by ultranetwork infrastructure, the development of rules governing electronic commerce-type 2003 standardization). high speed (10 Gbps) with multiple connections accommodated) is transactions and electronic government, and the ● Individual level: Individuals are better able to transmit information and there is a cultivation of human resources) expected by 2020) e-Japan Strategy II greater volume of personal data in existence thanks to the emergence of (prioritizing IT utilization) From this point onwards, reviews ● Utilization of cloud services of iterations of strategy undertaken smartphones and wearableterminals. 2013 ● IoT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more widespread (sensor technologies A declaration to be the world’s most advanced IT nation formulated are becoming miniaturized, more lightweight, and cheaper) Initiatives of the central and localgovernments 2016 ● Promoting a policy to become the world’s most advanced IT nation Given outcomes to date: • Information system reforms, Business Process Reengineering(BPR) (operating costs to be reduced by 30 percent, number of systemsto be reduced by 60 percent) (standardizing personnel and payroll systems and travel expenses systems and more) • System for publicly disclosing farmland information • Promoting the adoption of cloud functions by localgovernments • Adopting the Individual Numbersystem • Promoting Open Data • Promoting the sharing of information during disasters with the use of SNS, and more Advent of the era of the mass circulation of data Basic Act Concerning the Promotion of the Utilization of Public and Private Sector Data comes into force 2017 Basic plan for the advancement of public and private sector data utilization formulated 2020 ▲2020: Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic Games 2050 and beyond 2060: Aging rate of approx. 40 percent (est.) ●Due to such environmental changes, the utilization of various and vast data has been giving fresh impetus to the AI boom and led to advancements in terms of the development of robots and drones. (Data utilization going beyond the ability of humans to process such data is also becomingpossible) By sharing and utilizing online knowledge and wisdom for various different situations and conditions, it will be possible to transform our lives and Japanese industries. (As Japan becomes a ⇒ society in which the birthrate is decreasing and the population is aging at exceptional rates, sharing and utilizing online knowledge will help offset reductions in the size of the productive-age population, preserve the knowledge and wisdom possessed by the elderly for future generations (by providing the elderly with opportunities to once again play an active part in society), and enable local small and medium-sized companies to be revitalized.) Creating a society in which people are enriched by data (society with public and private sector data utilization) Basic plan for the advancement of public and private sector data utilization As Japan becomes a society in which the birthrate is decreasing and the population is aging at exceptional rates, eight fields are hereby designated as priority fields ((1) Digital Government(2) Healthcare, Medical, and Nursing care(3) Tourism(4) Finance (5) Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries(6) Manufacturing(7) Infrastructure, Disaster Prevention, and Disaster Mitigation(8) Mobility) in light of a number of issues that should be addressed on an intensive basis (economic recovery and fiscal soundness, local revitalization, and the securing of safety and security). As we look to the future, we will promote measures that should be taken on a priority basis in each field by 2020 while maintaining a focus on cross-sectoral data linkages. – – – The utilization of data linkages and AI will enable effective, efficient, high-quality Healthcare, Medical, and Nursing care services to be realized and a society in which citizens can remain active their entire lives to be created. By utilizing data, productivity will be increased and a profitable agricultural sector will be established. Automated driving will be achieved through linkages of public and private sector data for dynamic maps and other such applications and the development of systems in order to bring about the world’s safest, smoothest traffic society. © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. By formulating and promoting the Basic Plan for the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data utilization, a model of a society in which all citizens can benefit without having to be aware of the utilization of IT and data and in which true prosperity can be perceived will be achieved ahead of any other country on the globe. (* We seek to help international organizations, business enterprises, and groups collectively aspire to lead the world in terms of various IT-related rankings.) 1
Part 2: Basic Plan for the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data utilization (basic measures under the Basic Act Concerning the Promotion of the Utilization of Public and Private Sector Data) Article 19 Consistency between measures of the central government and measures of local governments • Producing templates for local plans and providing support for the formulation of plans • Developing an environment in local data utilization Administration (local) Article 10 Principle of online applications for administrativeprocedures Article 12 Promoting Open Data and the smooth circulation of data Conducting a survey of administrative data owned by the central government and other parties Organizing public-private round-table (to promote Open Data initiatives reflecting privatesector needs) Promoting Open Data by Design Promoting Open Data initiatives for information on restaurants and tourism matters that would be helpful to foreign tourists visiting Japan, etc. • Investigatingthemanner inwhichinformation pertainingto trafficaccidents andcrimes ispublished • • • • Article 15(1) Measures to address the digitaldivide • Promoting the development and securing of ultra-high-speed broadband for remote islands and other less-favored regions • Promoting the development of mobile phone areas in less-favored regions • Developing an environment for ensuring Internet accessibility © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. Developing a platform to enable cross-sectoral linkages (including data standardization (lexicon, code, text, and more), API, and authentication functions) • • • • Investigating the development of a platform to enable cross-sectoral linkages Establishing a platform for linking agricultural data Promoting the release of a banking system API (external connections) Promoting the sharing of disaster information by the central and local governments and business enterprises Information system reforms and operational reviews(BPR) • Digitalizing the entire administration through the central and local governments (including the adoption of a paper-less approach) • Adopting the principle of cloud-by-default • Reforming the government information system • Promoting Business Process Reengineering (BPR) based on a service design thinking • Formulating a government-wide implementation plan based on the Digital Government Strategy(2017), and formulating medium- to long-term strategic plans for ministries and agencies (first half of 2018) ※Parentheses denote measures in any of the eight priority fields. Article 16 Developing rules data utilization • Developing systems for the implementation of so-called ‘Information Bank’ and data exchange market • Promoting cooperation with other countries with a view to developing an international datacirculation environment (Japan-US, Japan-EU, G7, APEC, andothers) Article 15(2) Article 14 Open Data (cooperativefields) Open Data • Conducting a survey of administrative procedures (public-private, local government-private, private-private) • Collective development in line with the principle of providing online access • No longer necessary to submit copies of a residence certificate, copies of a family register, or certificates of registered matters for administrative procedures • Achieving efficiency and upgrading of medical insurance operations (such as the process for reviewing medical service fees) • Adopting IT and one-stop options for paperwork relating to social insurance and labor insurance • Promoting one-stop services pertaining to child-rearing, nursing care, succession, and other such life events Article 11 Citizens Administration (central) Individual Number system Article 13 Disseminating and utilizing the IndividualNumber Card • Promoting utilization of the Individual Number Card as an identification card and otherwise for administrative and private-sector services (Roadmap to Promote the Utilization of Individual Number Cards) • Promoting the multifunctionalization of Individual Number Cards (such as through the utilization of the My Key platform) • Continuous utilization of public personal authentication functionsoverseas Research and development • Promoting research and development concerning next-generation artificial intelligence technologies • Promoting initiatives based on the Public-Private ITS Initiative/Roadmap • Research and development work on and social testing of multilingual audio translation technology Articles 17, 18 Cultivating personnel and public awareness • • • • • • Cultivating personnel with expert knowledge and skills concerning datautilization Systematic cultivation of security and IT personnel Cultivating personnel capable of operating and managing IoTnetworks Promoting the widespread adoption of programming education Promoting the widespread adoption of sharing-economy services Promoting the widespread adoption of teleworking 2
Illustratingtheadvantagestocitizensandbusinessenterprisesimpartedbymeasurestakeninpriorityfields Future - Reviewing the plan on a rapid, timely basis through the PDCA cycle • Reviewing issues that should be further addressed in the course of implementing the initial plan, new issues that could not be conceived under the initial plan, and the need to revise or add KPIs in accordance with future technological trends and the needs of citizens and businessenterprises; • Periodically evaluating outcomes and the effectiveness of measures and conducting reviews based on theseoutcomes. (Illustrating benefits and advantages accruing to citizens and business enterprises) Agriculture, forestry, andfisheries Healthcare, Medical, and Nursingcare To transform into attractive industries that appeal to potential employees! Achieving agriculturethat is easy toundertake! Use ofAI Improving yieldsand quality through the use of data! Convertingexpertise into profit! Farm-operating supportapps Efficient production and stable transactions consistent with supply and demand! Expanding saleschannels to overseasmarkets! Automatically operating farm machinery ○Principle of providing online access foradministrative procedures (Article 10) (1) Cross-sectoral measures that should be implemented ona priority basis ○ ○ measure × × measure (2)Measures that should be implemented on a prioritybasis within a priority field 【… field】 The following is to be stated for each measure: ▲▲measure (Ministry A) ✓Key initiatives todate ✓Issues and futureorientation 【×field 】 schedule,KPI ● ● measure (Ministry B) ✓✓Deadlines, Benefits for citizens and business enterprises Assistanceproviding robots It’s time to take yourmedication. Medical Effective treatments and medication through the use of remote technologies and based on AI and other supportingevidence I found a facility that I want to move into! Administration (central) Linked I’ll be cared by both doctors and members of the nursing staff♪ This treatment and medication are optimal for someone withyour profile. Linked with other fields Data (cooperative fields) Utilizing AI Consolidating and amassing data and engaging in R&D Data Private sector AI, IoT, other technologies and the sharing of public and private sector data ・Enhance added value ・Enhance creativity Administration (local) ○ Achieving the world’s safest, smoothest transportation society Road traffic Transporting goods ・Streamlining of work and the provision of aid by robots Aging (providing opportunities for participation and reforming ways in which we work) The young,women, and the disabled (reforming ways in which we work) (Deliveries with (Platooning on expressways) the use ofdrones) Manned Unmanned (automatic driving system) Mobility ・Distributionservices ・Eliminating traffic jams and accidents (analysis of driving video based on the use of AI) for a shrinking population Location data (such as probe information on the transportation of people and goods) Map data layer Present Movement of people Issues as seen fromthe perspective of citizens © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. This diet is the best suited in terms of yourdaily lifestyle andexam values! Linking with other fields! (Generating newbusinesses) ・Work-assistancesuits ・Ties to agriculture for medical healthfoods (Stated in quantitative terms as much as possible) ○ Promoting Open Data (Article 11) … ○ Dissemination and raising awareness Preventing increase in severity of illness, tailored to individual Support based on the use of AI and robots Discovering and finding places at nursing-care facilitiesaccording to need For stabilized, profitablefarming! Greater efficiency through the consolidation offarmland! System for publicly disclosing information on farmland Formulating the Basic Plan for the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data Utilization (Providing the knowledge and wisdom of practical farmers) Obtaining environmental Farming data-linked information remotely foundation with the use ofsensors Workload can beeased and the scale can also be expanded! Nursing care Healthcare Utilizing AI to provide health-related advice in line with each individual’s daily lifestyle and physicalfitness ・Society in which the elderly can freely move about in local areas + support for pedestrians Publictransit And more… ・Improving convenience for users by upgrading driving data ・Environmental measures in urban areas ・ Utilizing the Social Security and Tax Number System (disseminating cards, public personal identification service, corporation numbers) ・ System reforms based on operational reviews(BPR) ・ Cross-sectoral platform based on data standardization, common lexicon, API linkages ・ Developing rules governing so-called information banks, data exchange markets, and intellectual property; and more 3
The Digital First Act was passed by the Diet on 2019.5.24 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO45208480U9A520C1MM0000/
• 【⽅針2-3】プラットフォームの共⽤化と⺠間サービスの活⽤ • 効率的かつ効果的なプラットフォームの整備を⾏うため、共⽤化を前提とし た共通システムや共通サービスの整備及び拡充を推進する。業務やデータの 標準化等の業務改⾰を進めながら、府省共通システムの継続的な充実及び強 化や⾃治体クラウドの⼀層の推進に取り組む。 • 全国同⼀⽔準での提供が求められる地⽅公共団体等のサービスについて、各 主体において個別に情報システムの整備を⾏うのではなく、⾃治体クラウド 等 への集約化を推進する。加えて、クラウドの広域化やグループ同⼠の統合 等を 進め、機能の共⽤化を促進する。 • プラットフォームの共⽤化の⼀環として、⾏政機関におけるテレワーク・リ モート アクセス環境の共通化等、⽣産性の向上や多様なワークスタイルを実 現する共通インフラの整備を推進する。 • 情報システムの導⼊に当たっては、全ての機能を⾏政⾃らが構築するという ⾃ 前主義に拘泥するのではなく、⺠間クラウドや⺠間サービスを積極的に活 ⽤し、⾏政機関が全てを保有・管理する形態から必要なものを必要な期間だ け利⽤ するという考え⽅へ転換する。これによって、最新技術の早期かつ適 時の導⼊ や投資対効果の向上を実現する。国において直接保有・管理する必 要がある 政府情報システムについては、標準化・共通化を図るとともに、投 資対効果の 検証を徹底した上で、政府共通プラットフォームへの移⾏を推進 する。 Government promotes “Cloud by default" Principle © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc. • 国際的な動向を⾒ながら、 プラットフォームの共通 化を再検討する必要あり • クラウド⽅針を作成 (CIO 補佐官技術タスク フォース) • データ分析やプロジェク ト管理等、汎⽤機能での ⺠間サービスの積極的活 ⽤(CIO 補佐官) 12
Discussion Paper edited by Executive Advisors to Government CIO located on the corner of Technology Taskforce on the Gov. CIO Portal https://cio.go.jp/dp © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
引⽤:パブリック・クラウドを利⽤した情報システムにおける計画・構築時の基本的な考え⽅ https://cio.go.jp/dp2019_01 Quotation: Basic concept in planning and construction of information system using public cloud パブリック・クラウド利⽤時の考え⽅ (従来の考え⽅) クラウドサービスのリファレンスアーキテクチャをベースとする Recommendation for using Reference Architecture and Codes published from Cloud Vendors 様々な技法・⼿法や、これまでの経験をベースとする 開発量の削減 SaaS、PaaS、マネージドサービス等を利⽤する Utilizing Managed Servies – SaaS, PaaS, etc. パッケージや超⾼速開発ツール等を適⽤する Own Package, RAD Tools, etc. データベース マネージドサービスの DB を利⽤する (スケールアップ・スケールアウト可能) ライセンスを購⼊して個別に DB サーバを構築する BI マネージドサービスの BI を利⽤する ライセンスを購⼊して個別に BI 環境を構築する システム間インタフェース 疎結合、⾮同期を前提に、API 管理ツールで⼀元管理を⾏う Asyc based API management tools to construct 個別に設計・実装 Individually サービス指向 マネージドサービスのマイクロサービス(サーバレス)を 利⽤する Using Managed Services on Public cloud – microservices, serverless 個別にサービス化を⾏う Indivudually 環境変化を当然と捉えて、前向きに対応する。 アジャイル開発を積極的に取り⼊れ、コンテナ等の DevOps も想定する 環 境変化を必要悪と捉えて、やむを得ず対応する システム設計 i環境変化への姿勢 Experience, Routine Method, Intuitive? (参考)3.アプリケーション設計・開発における考え⽅ ½ (Reference) 3. Concept in application design and development 1/2 © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
Smart hotels 360 Microsoft’s Reference Architecture for Microservices App Dev. https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/campaigns/smarthotel360/ © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.
Hope Auth0 Japan issues reference architecture or guideline (docs, codes, and so on) © COPYRIGHT 2019 FIXER Inc.