【17-A-2】 10年後も通用する開発環境の秘訣 <デブサミ2012>


February 15, 12



[email protected]


サーバントワークス株式会社 代表取締役/アジャイルストラテジスト/アジャイルコーチ/エバンジェリスト DASA Ambassador DASA DevOps 認定トレーナー 株式会社Helpfeel アドバイザー 講演や支援のご相談はぜひお気軽に(ご相談は無料です)! PSPO II, PSM II, SPS, PAL-EBM, PAL I, PSU I, PSK I, PSD I, PSPO I, PSM I, CSM



埋め込む »CMSなどでJSが使えない場合



17-A-2 長沢智治 日本マイクロソフト エバンジェリスト Developers Summit 2012


10年後も世界で通じるエンジニアであるために Presents


10年後も通用する開発環境の秘訣 継続的フィードバックと Visual Studio “11” 日本マイクロソフト株式会社 エバンジェリスト 長沢 智治 (@tomohn) Actionable Feedback Flow of Value Unifying Team Working Software Reduce Waste 2012.02.17, at Meguro Gajoen


Tomoharu Nagasawa Evangelist at Microsoft, Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster [email protected] @tomohn http://SoftwareEngineeringPlatform.com


Tomoharu Nagasawa Evangelist at Microsoft, Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster Enterprise Agility E-Agility Council 手組み 2.0 TFSUG ASTER Tool Working Group Agile / ALM Communities Tool WG http://SoftwareEngineeringPlatform.com


Takeaway, Declining はじめに 現場の解は チームで見つけ てください。 Gemba 講演を Visual Studio “11” のコンセプトを ぜひ俯瞰して お聴きください。 お伝えします。 Bird View 仕様は開発中につき 変更される場合もあります。


Your size? 7 Visual Studio 1 7 Scrum Team 2 Scrum of Scrum 7 2.6 7 Dunbar’s Number 4 Scale of Visual Studio Div. 7 6 Microsoft Employee 7 8 Visual Studio Users 7 11 Users using App made from VS


Business Alignment and Agility


Traditional Planning VALUE TIME


Traditional Planning VALUE TIME ある程度の時間をかけて価値を提供する


Traditional Planning VALUE TIME その価値は頭打ちになっていないか?


Business Aligned Planning VALUE TIME 最大のパフォーマンスを出し続けるには...


Business Aligned Planning VALUE TIME Just-in-Time で最高の価値を提供し続ける


Business Aligned Planning VALUE TIME 価値の頭打ちを打破し、ソフトウェアの価値も最大化


Business Aligned Planning VALUE TIME 継続的に “価値” を提供し続け、ビジネスをけん引


Business × IT


Biz × IT ‘90s ‘00s Business ‘10s Business IT IT 便利  ビジネスと非同期  固まった要求  十分な時間 有効  ビジネス課題の克服  要求は変わる  QCD の命題 VALUE IT Business 不可欠  ビジネスを加速  アジリティへの対応  Just-in-Time なデリバリー VALUE TIME TIME


Biz × IT ‘90s ‘00s Business ‘10s Business IT IT Player Player Tool Developer Collaborate Dev ⇔ Dev IDE Deliverable Application Tool Dev Team Collaborate Dev ⇔ Roles VALUE Dev Test PM Deliverable Service Business IT Player Tool Tool Business Collaborate Dev /Ops ⇔Users ALM Deliverable Business VALUE TIME TIME


Biz × IT ‘90s ‘00s Business ‘10s Business IT IT Player Player Tool IDE Developer Collaborate Deliverable Dev ⇔ Dev Application Tool Dev Team Collaborate Dev ⇔ Roles I am done. Dev Test PM Player Tool Deliverable Tool Business Collaborate Dev /Ops ⇔Users Service Product Owner Business IT Team ALM Deliverable Business We are done. Developers Testers Stakeholder Users Architects Managers We can do that, but it will cost you… What we really need to win is…


Biz × IT ‘90s ‘00s Reduce Waste / Technical Debut Business ‘10s Business IT IT Player Player Tool IDE Developer Collaborate Deliverable Dev ⇔ Dev Application Tool Dev Team Collaborate Dev ⇔ Roles I’m done. Dev Test PM Player Tool Deliverable Tool Business Dev /Ops ⇔Users Team ALM Deliverable Collaborate Service Product Owner Business IT Business We’re done. Developers Testers Stakeholder Users Architects Managers We can do that, but it will cost you… Flow of Value What we really need to win is…


Working Software Delivery


Unnatural Flow Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Delivery Software Delivery | User View


Unnatural Flow Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Delivery Software Delivery | Developer View?


Unnatural Flow Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Tasks Delivery Triages Changes Commits Functional Tests Software Delivery | Developer View?


Feedback Cycle Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Tasks Delivery Triages Changes Functional Tests Commits Builds UAT User Acceptance Tests Unit Tests Software Delivery | Development Team View


Continuous Delivery Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Tasks Delivery Triages Changes Functional Tests Commits Builds Unit Tests Actionable Feedbacks for all UAT User Acceptance Tests


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Tools bottle neck UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Developer Focus UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Development Focus UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Testing Focus UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Management Focus UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Backlog Task Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Management Tasks IDE Delivery Triages ITS / BTS Deploy Test Result Management Changes Test Env Test Script Management Functional Tests Commits SCM / VCS Builds Build Sys(CI) Testing Unit Tests Framework Software Delivery Focus UAT Management User Acceptance Tests Test Case Management


Point to Flow Expectation Unnatural Flow SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Artifacts Driven Tools I/F I/F I/F Store Store Store Unnatural Relation


Point to Flow Expectation Unnatural Flow SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Artifacts Driven Tools I/F I/F I/F Store Store Store Unnatural Relation


Point to Flow Expectation Practices and Tools 2008, Tool for Agility, Kent Beck. Unnatural Flow Collaboration, TestI/FAutomation, I/F Flow I/F 2008, Tool for Agility, Kent Beck. Store SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Artifacts Driven Tools Store Store Unnatural Relation


Point to Flow Expectation Unnatural Flow SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Artifact Driven Tools I/F I/F I/F Store Store Store Unnatural Relation


Point to Flow Expectation Natural Flow I/F SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Store Store Store Natural Relation Work Driven Tools


Point to Flow Expectation Natural Flow I/F SCM ITS / BTS Backlog Build (CI) Store Store Store Natural Relation Work Driven Tools


Visual Studio 2010 1st CLASS EXPERIENCE Excel / Project / Web Visual Studio Eclipse Test Manager OSS OSS 3rd Party OSS DEVELOPMENT DATA HUB Team Foundation Server (TFS) Point to Flow | Agile Ready | Continuous Delivery


Point to Flow Excel / Project / Web Team Foundation Server Users Feedbacks (Bugs, Enhancement) Tasks Delivery Triages Changes Visual Studio Eclipse Test Manager Functional Tests Commits Builds UAT User Acceptance Tests Unit Tests Visual Studio 2010 World | ALM as a Service


Point to Flow – 3D View  Visual Studio 2010 World


Point to Flow | Case Study ① edit commit versioned OK OK or NG build test NG Developers – Continuous Integration ++


Point to Flow | Case Study ① Gated Check-in edit commit Shelving OK versioned build OK test NG Unshelved NG Developers – Continuous Integration ++


Point to Flow | Case Study ② Backlog Test Case Code Bug Test Config Test Code Test Result Test Env Developer Tester Build Sys Info Log Op Steps Debug Developer × Tester – No Repro / Bug Ping-Pong


Point to Flow | Case Study ② Backlog Test Case Code Bug Test Config Test Code Test Result Test Env Developer Tester Build Sys Info Log Op Steps Debug Developer × Tester – No Repro / Bug Ping-Pong


Point to Flow | Case Study ② Backlog Test Case CodeDeveloper Tester Bug Test Config Test Code Test Result Test Env Developer Tester Build Visual Studio / Eclipse Web Sys Info Log Op Debug Test Manager Steps Developer × Tester – No Repro / Bug Ping-Pong


Point to Flow | Case Study ③ Code Test Case Unit Test Manual Test UI Test Developer DB Test Tester Fast Forward Test テスターによるテストを開発者テストで活用 Developer × Tester – Automated Test Share


Point to Flow | Case Study ③ Code Test Case Unit TestDeveloper Tester Manual Test UI Test Developer DB Test Tester Fast Forward Test テスターによるテストを開発者テストで活用 Developer × Tester – Automated Test Share


Continuous Feedback


Continuous Feedback インシデント ⇒ ソリューション アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア ALM | Application Lifecycle Management


Actionable Feedback | Ops インシデント ⇒ ソリューション Resolved Defect! Assign Incident Runbook DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE Continuous Feedback Concepts ORCHESTRATION


Actionable Feedback | Ops インシデント ⇒ ソリューション Resolved Defect! Assign Incident Runbook ORCHESTRATION System Center Orchestrator 2012 DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE Continuous Feedback Concepts


Continuous Feedback インシデント ⇒ ソリューション アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア ALM | Application Lifecycle Management


Actionable Feedback | Users アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Feedbacks Dev Team Delivery Users Acceptance Feedbacks Demo Visual Studio 11 Storyboard Continuous Feedback Concepts


Create //sites//fabrikamfiber.aspx Fabrikam Fiber Dashboard Tickets Messages Customers Employees Reports About Welcome Drew Robbins! Profile Drew Robbins Alerts: 5 Tickets: 3 Create Customer First Name Maria Last Name My Tickets My Profile Schedule Anders Street Sesame Street City city Zip 123 Create


Customers //sites//fabrikamfiber.aspx Fabrikam Fiber Dashboard Tickets Messages Customers Employees Reports About Welcome Drew Robbins! Profile Drew Robbins Alerts: 5 Tickets: 3 My Tickets My Profile Schedule Index Create New First Name Last Name Address Edit | Details | Delete Maria Anders 123 Sesame Street Edit | Details | Delete Antonio Moreno 123 Sesame Street Edit | Details | Delete Patricio Simpson 123 Sesame Street Edit | Details | Delete Janine Labrune 123 Sesame Street Edit | Details | Delete Helen Bennett 123 Sesame Street


Customers //sites//fabrikamfiber.aspx Fabrikam Fiber Dashboard Tickets Messages Customers Employees Reports About Welcome Drew Robbins! Profile Create Drew Robbins Alerts: 5 Tickets: 3 My Tickets My Profile Schedule Ref Status Escalation Title A014101 Open Level 1 Cannot playback recorded channel. A014101 Closed Level 2 Several HD channel are not show… A014101 Open Level 1 Set top box will not boot up. A014101 Open Level 1 Several HD channel are not show… Network Alerts 5/16/2011 9:00am Service outage affecting the Redmond area Messages 5/16/2011 9:00am Service outage affecting the Redmond area


www.fabrikamfiber.com Fabrikam Fiber Support Welcome Drew Robbins! Scheduled Maintenance: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit [Open] Cannot playback recorded programs. Possible settop box failure. My Tickets [AD14101] - Cannot playback reco.. [AD14102] - Several HD channel.. [AD14103] - Set top box will not.. [AD14104] - Cannot playback re.. [AD14105] - Several HD Channel.. Created on: 5/15/2011 12:32 AM Assigned to: Drew Robbins Having issues? No service Dead Channel Welcome Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Wrong Signal Other Select Issue Type Provide Details Submit Service Request


2:43 FABRIKAM FIBER login Enter your credentials to login into the application. Username Password q w e r t y u i o p Remember me a s d f g h j k l log in  z x c v b n m register &123 / space · search


2:43 FABRIKAM FIBER login Enter your credentials to login into the application. Username drew Password q w e r t y u i o p Remember me a s d f g h j k l log in  z x c v b n m register &123 / space · search


2:43 FABRIKAM FIBER login Enter your credentials to login into the application. Username drew Password robbins Remember me log in register


2:44 FABRIKAM FIBER agenda 11:00 AM Grab lunch 2 hours (Paradise) 2:00 PM Install a cable box 30 minutes (Kirkland) 2:45 PM Add an additional cable line 1 hour (Lake Washington) 5:00 PM Check in at the office 30 minutes (Seattle)


2:44 FABRIKAM FIBER agenda entry Add an additional cable line 2:45 pm 1 hour (Lake Washington) We need to go the customer’s house boat and setup a whole new box


RunningFIBER late! Map it. FABRIKAM 2:45 2:45 agenda entry Add an additional cable line 2:45 pm 1 hour (Lake Washington) We need to go the customer’s house boat and setup a whole new box


Actionable Feedback | Users アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Feedbacks Dev Team Delivery Users Acceptance Feedbacks Demo Visual Studio 11 Feedback Manager Continuous Feedback Concepts


Actionable Feedback | Users アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Feedbacks Dev Team Delivery Users Acceptance Feedbacks Demo Visual Studio 11 Team Foundation Server Web App Continuous Feedback Concepts


Continuous Feedback インシデント ⇒ ソリューション アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア ALM | Application Lifecycle Management


Actionable Feedback | Developers アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Code タスクを こなしたい レビュー してほしい Demo Bug Build Test Code Pending Bug Visual Studio 11 Code Test Code Review Request Team Explorer | My Work Continuous Feedback Concepts


Actionable Feedback | Developers アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Code Demo Visual Studio 11 Unit Test Explorer Continuous Feedback Concepts


Actionable Feedback | Testers アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Knowledge Exploratory Test UI Test Test Case Bug Demo Visual Studio 11 Exploratory Testing Continuous Feedback Concepts Manual Test Fast Forward Test


Continuous Feedback インシデント ⇒ ソリューション アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア ALM | Application Lifecycle Management


Continuous Feedback で実践フェーズ Visual Studio “11” で実践フェーズ ALM | Application Lifecycle Management インシデント ⇒ ソリューション アイディア ⇒ 動くソフトウェア Visual Studio 2010


Information ✔ MSDN Subscription ✔ Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview http://www.microsoft.com/japan/vstudio


Information 2 月 20 日 (月) 19:00 ~ @ 東京・品川 TFS 導入の両輪 (開発と運用) 第4回 TFSUG 2 月 24 日 (金) 19:00 ~ @ 名古屋 Team Foundation Server Users Group Microsoft Developer Event 名古屋アジャイル勉強会 ALM 名古屋アジャイル ALM 2 月 25 日 (土) 10:00 ~ @ 名古屋 名古屋アジャイル勉強会 TFS ハンズオン 名古屋アジャイル TFS ? 2 月 20 日 (月) 以降に、検索!! Windows Developer Days


☞ Ask the Speaker ✉ [email protected] t @tomohn