Business value pipeline with atlassian products


October 28, 15


You should establish such as flow of value as pipeline. You can find one of toolchain with Atlassian solution.
This slide is an evangelist eye, this is not Atlassian's official contents.

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埋め込む »CMSなどでJSが使えない場合



What’s value of your team with Atlassian toolchain You should establish Flow of value as pipeline Tomoharu Nagasawa Senior Evangelist at Atlassian @tnagasawa © 2015 [email protected]


Business Value Pipeline with Atlassian Products Business Feedbacks Development Decision Development Activities ❸’ create room for and discuss ❶ gether feedbacks ❽-1 build & test for DEM-1 Deployment Activities DEM-1 ❾ success trigger HipChat Idea Bamboo ❼ commit trigger Confluence ➓-1 deploy environment ❸ make decision and create tasks ❷ create new backlog item Bamboo DEM-1 ❽-2 build & push Docker container ❻ pull request / merge User Feedback ➓ -2 pull & run Docker container DEM-1 JIRA Service Desk JIRA Software Bitbucket Service Incident ❺ commit / push DEM-1 ❹ branch for Portfolio for JIRA Business Decision Bug DEM-1 Technical Debt HipChat Code SourceTree Team notification and discussion for everything, everytime, everywhere © 2015 [email protected]


Business Value Pipeline with Atlassian Products Idea Business Decision User Feedback Service Incident Portfolio for JIRA JIRA Service Desk Confluence Bug Technical Debt DEM-1 Sub Tasks Backlog Items Bamboo JIRA Software JIRA Software Bitbucket Bamboo © 2015 [email protected]