ComiQA: A Comic Quiz Sharing Service that Helps Users to Recollect the Content of Previous Volumes


September 11, 24


It takes several months or years to release a new volume of a comic book after the previous volume. Therefore, when reading a long-awaited newest volume of a comic, it is sometimes difficult to recollect and understand the flow of the story, causing the readers to reread the previous volume or reread from the first volume to check the story. Re-reading can be fun when there is enough time. However, when there are many volumes of the comic or the time is limited, the reader will want to recollect the previous content as soon as possible to read the newest volume. One way to recollect the previous content quickly is to check its summary. However, a synopsis is often not enough to recollect everything and may become a spoiler if the reader has forgotten to read the previous volume. In this paper, we proposed and implemented a system that enables users to recollect the content of the previous volume by quizzes (question-answer pairs). We considered that just reading a question text would not be a spoiler. In addition, we released our system, “ComiQA,” as a Web service and found the characteristics of quizzes made by analyzing the registered 1465 quizzes in our service. We also experimented to investigate and compare the degree of recollection of creating quizzes and writing reviews. We found that creating quizzes helps people recollect the episodes more effectively than writing reviews, and viewing the quiz leads to further recollection.


明治大学 総合数理学部 先端メディアサイエンス学科 中村聡史研究室



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ComiQA: A Comic Quiz Sharing Service that Helps Users to Recollect the Content of Previous Volumes Yume Tanaka, Tsubasa Sakurai, Yuto Sekiguchi, Satoshi Nakamura Meiji University, Japan


Do you like comics? ©H ©Horikoshi Kohei 1


Introduction In Japan, it can take several months or even years for a new comic volume to be released. MY HERO ACADEMIA • Vol.40: 2024/04/04 • Vol.41: 2024/08/02 Problem: Forgetting the story ©Horikoshi Kohei 2


Introduction HISTORIE • Vol.11: 2019/07/23 • Vol.12: 2024/08/02 Five years! Problem: Forgetting the story. ©Hitoshi Iwaaki 3


Conventional ways to recollect 1. Re-read the previous volume 2. Read the summary 3. Check on the internet 4


Conventional ways to recollect (1/3) 1. Re-read the previous volume I often re-read the previous volume, or even start from the first volume. Very enjoyable Take time 5


Conventional ways to recollect (2/3) 2. Read the summary The comics sometimes include a summary at the beginning of the volume. summary Easy to check Insufficient for full recollecting Character Introductions and a summary ©Motoyuki Tanaka, BE BLUES! 6


Conventional ways to recollect (3/3) 3. Check the internet Easy to check Bumping into spoilers (culprits and winners) Spoilers may cause the reader to lose interest in the next volume [Maki+ 2017]. [1] Maki, Y., and Nakamura, S. (2017). “Do Manga Spoilers Spoil Manga?” The Sixth Asian Conference on Information Systems, 258-262. 7


Purpose To help readers easily recollect the content of previous volumes Approach Creating and Sharing quiz Q. aaa A. aaa 8


Content presentation by quiz Question: In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, What led Alice to enter Wonderland? 9


Content presentation by quiz Question: In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, What led Alice to enter Wonderland? Answer: Chasing the white rabbit. Promotes recollection by thinking about the answer to a quiz 10


ComiQA Creating and sharing quizzes Q. aaa A. aaa New volume is released After reading a comic, create a quiz and share it with other users. Own quiz Others’ quiz Q. aaa Q. bbb A. aaa A. bbb Recollecting Check the quizzes and recollect the content. Read a new comic. 11


ComiQA The flow of creating quiz Quiz • Title • Volume number • Page • Question • Answer • Hint • Comment ←Automatically Translated by Google 12


ComiQA The flow of checking a quiz in the system. ←Automatically Translated by Google Home page The quiz list The quiz viewing page 13


Analysis quizzes Purpose of Analysis Clarify the types of quizzes users create to aid recollection Analysis of quizzes registered in ComiQA. • 2021/10/15~2024/03/24 • 1460 quizzes Analysis 1. The pages from which the quizzes were created 2. The question types 16


Page where the quiz was created • The summary generally includes only the later episodes. • The final episodes are often the most impressive and important. Hypothesis Many quizzes would be made from the end of the volume 17


Page where the quiz was created Widely distributed within the volume Number of quiz Many quizzes were created from the final pages. Why? The end of a volume is often a lead-in to the next volume Distribution quiz Pages where the quiz was created 18


Page where the question was created Question: “Where is Isaki going at the end of the volume?” The quiz asking where the next volume will take place Traveling to Osaka for 3 days and 2 nights starting tomorrow This information is essential for understanding the upcoming volume ©Oziromakoto, Insomnia after school 19


Question types Question type What Who When Where Which Why How Number of question 820 307 7 61 56 140 69 Purpose: To clarify which type of information is primarily used in a quiz • There are many questions related to “What” and “Who”. • There are fewer questions related to “When,” “Where,” and “Which.” 20


Question types information involving "What" and "Who" is easier to formulate into quizzes Question Types What Who Title and number of volume Question When Suzume was invited to the The maid only eats! grandfather’s house, what was inside [vol.3] the treasure chest prepared at the house? Who did Master Leo rely on to pursue Arte [vol. 14] Arte?” 21


Question types The reason why fewer quizzes on when and where were made • It's hard to remember the specific time and place in the first place. • Not much information on impressive times and places. hard to remember! 22


Question types Quizzes related to "Which" often ask about winning or losing. Question: “Which team won the match between Seinan High School and Meisei High School?“ Such scenes are limited 23


Experiment Hypothesis Creating and answering quizzes promotes recollection • We conducted an experiment in which participants read comics and recollect them. • The participants were 20 graduate and undergraduate students. 24


Experiment setting Comparing the following two groups. • Quiz group: A group that created two quizzes and answered them. • Review group: A group that wrote a review and read it. We selected six team sports comic series ©Taisei Nishizaki, God’s volleyball ©Tsuzimoto, GIANT KILLING ©Motoyuki Tanaka, BE BLUES! ©Tatsuya Ara, Harigane Service ©Naoshi Arakawa, Goodbye my Clamor ©Hajime Musashino, burning kabaddi 25


Experiment procedure Reading step Quiz Group Review Group Creating two quizzes Reading comic Writing review One week later Recollection step First verbal recollection Answering quizzes Second verbal recollection Reading review 26


Scoring rate (%) Result 50.3 40.6 42.7 36.0 Before confirmation First recollection Quiz group After confirmation Second recollection Review group Percentage of episodes recollected 27


Discussion Scoring rate (%) • The quiz group They had to think when answering quizzes. • The review group They didn’t have to think as much when just reading the review. Second recollection Quiz group Review group The quiz group scored significantly higher than the review group. 28


Discussion The quiz created by high-scoring participants Title Question What was the main character's last defensive Burning kabaddi strategy? God’s volleyball What is in the box that must not be opened? The quiz created by low-scoring participants Title Burning kabaddi GIANT KILLING Question What’s the last name of the main character? How old is the main character, Takeru Tatsumi? 29


Discussion The quiz created by high-scoring participants Title Question What was the main character's last defensive Burning kabaddi strategy? God’s volleyball What is in the box that must not be opened? The quiz created by low-score participants These questions are linked to Title Question memorable episodes. Burning kabaddi GIANT KILLING What’s the last name of the main character? How old is the main character, Takeru Tatsumi? 30


Discussion The quiz created by high-scoring participants Title Burning kabaddi God’s volleyball Question Quizzes basic character What is theon Saitama proxy case?information do not prompt recollect. What is in the box that must not be opened? The quiz created by low-scoring participants Title Burning kabaddi GIANT KILLING Question What’s the last name of the main character? How old is the main character, Takeru Tatsumi? 31


Discussion The quiz created by high-scoring participants Title Burning kabaddi God’s volleyball Question What was the main character's last defensive strategy? What is in the box that must not be opened? Episode-based quizzes are effective for recollection ↓ It is important for ComiQA to encourage users to create quizzes about episodes. 32


Summary Introduction Method Result Future work The need to recollect the story of the previous volume. Encouraging recollections through quizzes. Creating and answering quizzes promotes recollection. Automatic quiz generation 33