IVRC Birds of a Feather (BoF) in SIGRAPH2016


July 24, 16


SIGGRAPH2016でのIVRC BoF です。舘先生時代のPowerPointで作った最後の世代のBoF開催スライドと思います。
岩田洋夫先生や安藤英由樹先生の講演、Laval Virtual ReVolution、白井がキュレーションしていた時代の円熟期「TransHumanism++」のご紹介などもあったりして、当時の様子を表現する必要な情報がまとまっているようにも思います。
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Birds of a Feather International Collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) Sunday, 24 July, 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Anaheim Convention Center, ACM SIGGRAPH Theater, Hall C International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) is a longlasting academic event in virtual reality since 1993. This BoF shares latest activity of IVRC between Japan, France Laval Virtual. Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D ( IVRC Executive committee / Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) [email protected] / http://ivrc.net/2016/en/


Birds of a Feather International Collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) Sunday, 24 July, 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Anaheim Convention Center, ACM SIGGRAPH Theater, Hall C Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D ( IVRC Executive committee / Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) Twitter @o_ob


Agenda – “Researchers in VR from student competition” 10:00-10:05 Opening 10:05-10:15 IVRC: International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest 10:15-10:30 Emerging Technology 10:30-10:45 Striking Back To SIGGRAPH 10:45-11:20 Panel video session: Memoires - IVRC to SIGGRAPH 11:20-11:25 Announcements 11:25-11:30 Conclusion / Photo session


Agenda – “Researchers in VR from student competition” 10:00-10:05 Opening 10:05-10:15 IVRC: International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest 10:15-10:30 Masahiko INAMI (Univ. of Tokyo, E-Tech Chair): SIGGRAPH E-Tech 10:30-10:45 Hiroo IWATA (Univ. of Tsukuba): Striking Back To SIGGRAPH 10:45-11:20 Panel video session: Memoires - IVRC to SIGGRAPH Panelists - Hideyuki ANDO (Osaka Univ.) - Hiroyuki KAJIMOTO (Univ. Electro Communications) - Hikaru TAKATORI (Univ of Tsukuba) CHILDHOOD to BigRobot - Shota SUGIMOTO (Keio Univ.) Jack and Beanstalk - Guy LeBras, Laval Virtual 11:20-11:25 Announcements - International Video Session http://ivrc.net/2016/en/video/ - Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017: TransHumanism++ http://www.laval-virtual.org 11:25-11:30 Conclusion / Photo session


Susumu Tachi The University of Tokyo IVRC Executive Committee Chair http://ivrc.net


What is IVRC?  International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest establish in 1993 by Prof. Susumu Tachi  Contest of interaction and virtual reality, which fuses art and technology  Honors the greatest Virtual Reality and Interactive works of students  New education system through contest


What is IVRC?  Organized by Virtual Reality Society of Japan  Supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology  Ambassade de France au japon, Service pour la Science et la Technologie  Held at Miraikan, National science museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Virtual Reality Society of Japan http://www.vrsj.org/


IVRC: contest of the students, by the students, for the students ⚫ IVRC is the acronym of “International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest”, which has been held since 1993 and is the contest of Interactive products using advanced technologies such as virtual reality and robots. Our English name changed for internationalization in 2004, because we began to invite awarded teams from the French VR contest “Laval Virtual”. ⚫ When you hear the words such as “Virtual Reality” and “robot”, you should feel that special expensive machines are necessary to realize them. However, there are many ideas which can be actualized only with handmade machines. The main purpose of this contest is for participants to gain deeper understanding of and familiarity with interactive technologies through activities such as planning interactive systems, making devices themselves, and improving quality of their contents. ⚫ IVRC has not only the function of contest but also the function of education. It aims to construct the new education system of the 21st century to develop excellent human resources, who can think, learn, and work by themselves. planning technology design Team management


IVRC Flow Chart Call for Submission April Online submission Deadline of submission 1st stage, Paper review Late June or Early July Development phase Annual Conference of VRSJ September 2nd stage, Demonstration Improvement phase 4 +1 projects DCEXPO: Digital Content Expo Final stage, Demonstration SIGGRAPH/ Laval Virtual October


 Semi final at the annual conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (9-11th September, Tokyo) Demonstration in academic conference  Grand final in Digital Contents EXPO 2015 22-25th October, Miraikan, Tokyo. Demonstration in Public  U-18: Youth section  International Video Selection for the final stage


The First Presence at ACM SIGGRAPH 2002  IVRC Committee helps the champion team submit to SIGGRAPH as a reward to the winner. ➢ “Virtual Chambara”, SIGGRAPH2002 “Virtual Chambara”, SIGGRAPH 2002


History of IVRC Presence at SIGGRAPH  2003 THE DIMENSION BOOK  2004 Fragra / Dis-Tansu  2005 Straw-like user interface / Kobito: Virtual Brownies / Ton2  2006 bubble cosmos / INVISIBLE ~The Shadow Chaser~ / Powder Screen: A Virtual Materializer …..


History of IVRC Presence at SIGGRAPH  2007 BYU-BYU-View / CoGAME  2008 Ants in the Pants / Landscape Bartender  2009 Baby type robot “YOTARO” / Back to the mouth / Funbrella: making rain fun  2010 Haptic Canvas  2011 Mommy Tummy  2015 Childhood/ vibroSkate


International Cooperation with Laval Virtual “The winner of the IVRC Award in France will be invited to the Tokyo stage of the IVRC in Japan as a challenger. Similarly, the winner of the Laval Virtual Award in Japan will be invited to the final stage of Virtual Fantasy, category “Demos”, student competition of Laval Virtual, in France as a challenger. Conditions of invitation will be defined every year by each part of this agreement.”


Agreement on International Cooperation at Laval Virtual 2004 Prof. S. Tachi (IVRC) J.F. Fontaine (Laval Virtual) IVRC and Laval Virtual will maintain an award partnership for three years (2004-2007): the Laval Virtual Award at the IVRC in Japan, the IVRC Award at “Laval Virtual’s Le Village de la Creations” in France.


International Cooperation with ETC, CMU “The best work certified by CMU among other works created as student project will be invited for the final contest of IVRC. The invited work will be assessed in the final contest in the same way as other selected works in the preliminary contest of IVRC and will be entitled to receive each award of IVRC.”


Partnership in SIGGRAPH 2010 Don Marinelli Executive producer of ETC


Agreement on International Cooperation in Virtual Reality and Entertainment Technology Prof. S. Tachi (IVRC) Michelle Macau (ETC) Ambassador Agent for Donald Marinelli Executive Producer Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) and International collegiate Virtual Reality of ETC Contest (IVRC), in recognition of the growing importance of the roles Virtual Reality and Entertainment Technology play in the 21st century, have come to the agreement: http://ivrc.net/


3D moves in 30-year cycles VR moves 10 years after3D crazes 2nd VR Wave (the2020s) ? 1st VR Wave Dawn of VR (the1990s) (the1960s) Dawn of 3D (the2010s) 1st 3D Craze 2nd 3D Craze (the1980s) computer (the1950s) Theme-park game movie TV movi e 1980 2000 2020 (the1920s) movi e movi e 1920 3rd 3D Craze 1940 1960


Virtual Reality in the 1990s  1989 VPL Research Data Glove and Eyephone. “Virtual reality" was first used.  1990 Santa Barbara Conference (The Engineering Foundation)         Virtually all the researchers were summoned. 1991 ICAT (International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence) was held in Japan. 1992 Committee on Virtual Reality was established in National Research Council. Its report was published in 1995. 1993 IVR(Industrial Virtual Realty) was held in Japan. 1993 VRAIS (Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium) and Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality were held. They gathered together to form IEEE Virtual Reality Conference. 1993 IVRC(International Virtual Realty Contest) was held. 1996 VRSJ (Virtual Reality Society of Japan) was established. 2001 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference was held in Japan. 2008 National Academy of Engineering (NSF) announced 14 grand engineering challenges for the 21st century on February 15, 2008. Enhance Virtual Reality is chosen as one of the 14 challenges.


23 years…  More than 200 projects have been realized through 23 IVRCs including 21 projects selected as SIGGRAPH ETech.  Average 5 persons for each project mean over 1,000 persons have deeply experienced and understood VR!  IVRC students become staffs, and staffs now become world famous professors, designers, creators, and engineers.


IVRC Alumni Members


21 CENTURY'S GRAND ENGINEERING CHALLENGES  National Academy of Engineering announced 14 grand engineering challenges for the 21st century on February 15, 2008. http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/  The final choices fall into four themes that are essential for humanity to flourish -- sustainability, health, reducing vulnerability, and joy of living.  Tremendous advances in quality of life have come from improved technology in areas such as farming and manufacturing. If we focus our effort on the important grand challenges of our age, we can hugely improve the future.  Enhance Virtual Reality is chosen one of the 14 challenges.


Second VR Wave(the 2020s ?) VR Challenges  Autostereoscopic Display  Haptic VR  Augmented Reality  Telexistence  Human Augmentation


3D moves in 30-year cycles VR moves 10 years after3D crazes 2nd VR Wave (the2020s) ? 1st VR Wave Dawn of VR (the1990s) (the1960s) Dawn of 3D (the2010s) 1st 3D Craze 2nd 3D Craze (the1980s) computer (the1950s) Theme-park game movie TV movi e 1980 2000 2020 (the1920s) movi e movi e 1920 3rd 3D Craze 1940 1960




IVRC Sponsors 30/13


Striking Back to SIGGRAPH Hiroo Iwata 31/13


What I did in SIGGRAPH Paper presentation 1990 “Artificial Reality with Force-feedback: Development of Desktop Virtual Space with Compact Master Manipulator” 2001 “Project FEELEX: Adding Haptic Surface to Graphics”


Emerging Technologies 16 demos, every year from 1994 to 2007 haptic interface: 8 locomotion interface: 5 immersive projection display: 3 1995 1994 1996 2003 2000 1997 1998 1999 2004 2005 2001 2002 2006 2007


Why I strike back to SIGGRAPH? • I want to show Big Robot at E-tech. • “BigRobot Mk.1A” presenting sense of walking of 5m tall giant • It’s a new frontier in Device Art.


Why I made Big Robot? • I constructed a hanger named “Empowerment Studio”. • Development of large-scale robots definitely needs a large hanger.


Big Robot Project is a part of “PhD. Program in Empowerment Informatics” • Five year Ph.D. Program funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology • Duration: 2013 ~ 2019 • Total budget : 2 billion JPY


BoF “Empowerment Informatics Program at University of Tsukuba” Monday, 25 July, 10:00 am - 11:00 pm Anaheim Convention Center Room 203 B


Demonstration at Ars Electronica 2015


Big Robot Mk.1A • Big Robot Mk.1 is modified for SIGGRAPH demo. • Folding mechanism (fit to marine container) • Increased rigidity


Demonstration in Open Studio • Novice rider could walk safely.


Agenda – “Researchers in VR from student competition” 10:00-10:05 Opening 10:05-10:15 IVRC: International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest 10:15-10:30 Masahiko INAMI (Univ. of Tokyo, E-Tech Chair): SIGGRAPH E-Tech 10:30-10:45 Hiroo IWATA (Univ. of Tsukuba): Striking Back To SIGGRAPH 10:45-11:20 Panel video session: Memoires - IVRC to SIGGRAPH Panelists - Hideyuki ANDO (Osaka Univ.) - Hiroyuki KAJIMOTO (Univ. Electro Communications) - Hikaru TAKATORI (Univ of Tsukuba) CHILDHOOD to BigRobot - Shota SUGIMOTO (Keio Univ.) Jack and Beanstalk - Guy LeBras, Laval Virtual 11:20-11:25 Announcements - International Video Session http://ivrc.net/2016/en/video/ - Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017: TransHumanism++ http://www.laval-virtual.org 11:25-11:30 Conclusion / Photo session


IVRC for Me Hideyuki Ando, Ph.D. Associate professor Department of Bioinformatic Engineering Graduate school of Information Science & Technology Osaka University <[email protected]> 42/13


The activities of the exhibition Hideyuki Ando ・・・ Winner of IVRC(1998 &1999) 2000 → Committee member in SIGGRAPH E-tech 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014 Art Gallery 2009 in Laval Virtual 2007 in ARS Electronica 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015 in Japan Media Art Festival 2005, 2008 Events, art festivals, museums, Science Museum .. 43 The beginning of everything is the exhibition to IVRC


My IVRC 18 years ago… Virtual Experience system ーーーー Attention of some Japanese problem “Crowded train experience system” “Planting rice experience system” 44


Using Exhibition experience (IVRC etc.. ) for PBL teaching ↑ My practical lecture (2010-) syllabus 45


IVRC for PBL teaching <- My practical lecture Creativity = Execution of work using own hands extibition in the contest. “Systematic study” vs. “Problem Based Learning” learning case by case a lot by yourself Even if the memory has been forgotten, Hands remember its. Usual Lecture Unconsciousness thinking Connection of fragment experience Power for create of the “new something” 46


IVRC – Why it is good for Lab Hiroyuki Kajimoto UEC, Japan


My Lab (since2007)


Ants in the pants (IVRC2007, Siggraph2008) Yoshimi Sato, Keiji Sato, Michi Sato, Shogo Fukushima, Yu Okano, Kanako Matsuo, Sayaka Ooshima, Yuichiro Kojima, Rika Matsue


SenseRoid (IVRC2010, Laval Virtual2011) Nobuhiro Takahashi, Ryuta Okazaki, Hiroyuki Okabe, Hiromi Yoshikawa, Kanako Aou Shumpei Yamakawa, Maki Yokoyama


ViVi-EAT (IVRC2012, Laval Virtual2013) Nobuhiro Takahashi, Ryuta Okazaki, Hiroyuki Okabe, Hiromi Yoshikawa, Kanako Aou Shumpei Yamakawa, Maki Yokoyama


Why IVRC is good for Lab? • IVRC project is FULLY student-only Even I do not know what they submitted, before they are accepted. • It CANNOT be part of lab projects Because I cannot understand what they are thinking. • But it is occasionally beyond my imagination, which connects the lab to a new research area, which lab managers do not dare to step into. In my lab’s case, IVRC projects opened door to “the whole-body haptics” researches, some of which can be experienced at e-tech from today.








Laval Virtual 2015 to IVRC 2015 Stimulus(ESIEA Ouest, Laval, France) In Digital Contents Expo 2015 Collaboration with KAIT students


Welcome for new comers via “International Video Session” Final deadline of international video submission: 31 August 2016 http://ivrc.net/2016/en/  “The Maze Game” (Puzzle, SAS VR, Oman)


IVRC2015 to Laval Virtual 2016 Laval Virtual 2016 23rd-27th March, 2016 in Laval France <ReVolution> Open competition in VR 11th Edition Theme “Real-Virtuality” (submission deadline: End of Dec.) http://www.laval-virtual.org/ [Invited Project] Winner: “Nyokinyoki beans of the tree” (Jack and bean stalk) Univ. Keio SA2015.SIGGRAPH.ORG Sponsored by


Laval Virtual


Laval Virtual Academic Conference “ACM VRIC” Award, Competition, Public Day


ACM VRIC: Virtual Reality International Conference  Keynotes  Workshop + Aural Presentation The Future of Work with Augmented Reality Christine Perey, AR for Enterprise Alliance Light-Field Technology: A Revolution to Imaging and Display Dr. Oliver Bimber, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz Beyond Video Games: A Virtual Reality Revolution in Behavioral Health Dr. Skip Rizzo Director for Medical Virtual Reality Institute for Creative Technologies - Research Professor USC Davis School of Gerontology and USC Keck School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Beyond Fun and Games: VR as a Tool of the Trade Dr. Carolina Cruz-Neira, Emerging Analytics Center, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Virtual avatars and real brains: how do they interact? Pr Alain Berthoz, College de France AR and VR for learning and collaboration Dr. Pattie Maes, MIT Media Laboratory


ACM VRIC: Virtual Reality International Conference  Workshop + Aural Presentation


ACM VRIC: Virtual Reality International Conference Special Session on Friday 14:00-14:20 Opening Address “Real-Virtuality”, Prof. Akihiko SHIRAI (KAIT) 14:20-14:30 “IVRC to Laval Virtual / Jack and the Beanstalk”, Mr. Shota SUGIMOTO, (Univ Keio) 14:30-14:50 “Embodied Media”, Prof. Kouta MINAMIZAWA (Univ keio) 14:50-15:00 “Metamorphosis Hand: Interactive Experience of Embodying Virtually Transformed Hands”, Nami Ogawa (Univ of Tokyo) 15:00-15:30 “VR to Superhuman Sports” Prof. Masahiko INAMI (Univ of Tokyo) http://superhuman-sports.org/ 15:30-16:00 Round table and debate, exchanges with the audience


AR/VR Contents, and for the next year… Thierry Frey, chair of AR/VR contents and VR Startup Contest. At Final da


URANIOM in Laval


Student Competition


Student Competition




The concept of SOARING BIKE is... “The flying bike that everyone can enjoy.” The fascinating parts ・Doesn’t have a target of age group


All Hand made


How to experience SOARING BIKE


・You could fly anywhere inside the stage. Enjoy your flight.


ReVolution Open Competition of VR demo Technical innovation / Interaction Academic + Public demo testing


Glassless Augmented Display, KAIT


Gifts of Blizzard, Tama Univ.


"Real Virtuality"


We Wave II, Paris8


Exchange party


See you next year in Laval ☺  Submission deadline: end of year (31/Dec/2016)  Theme: TransHumanism++


 http://lavalfrenchtech.fr/en/

ReVolution 2017: TransHumanism++
 Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017 calls for innovative virtual reality demo projects that fall under
the theme, "TransHumanism++".

 Transhumanists support the emergence and convergence of technologies including
nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. They also
welcome hypothetical future technologies such as simulated reality, artificial intelligence,
superintelligence, 3D bioprinting, mind uploading, chemical brain preservation and
cryonics. They believe that humans can and should use these technologies to surpass the
limitations of humankind.
 Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017 seeks to act as a milestone for the realization of
"Transhumanism + future of {Virtual Reality + Arts + Culture}". We welcome the submission of
scientific experiences and academic demos that showcase a brighter future for humankind
with the aid of Transhumanism projects. Some examples of Transhumanism projects include
super human sports which can be enjoyed in everywhere by anyone at every time with
augmented human technologies. Demonstrations will be judged based on for their durability,
innovation, and value of entertainment or human-being.
 Program is supported by Super Human Sports Society http://superhuman-sports.org/


IVRC Sponsors 83/13