July 21, 13
The 12th Birds of a Feather Meeting on IVRC: International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest
Anaheim Convention Center
SUNDAY, JULY 21 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
YouTube: https://youtu.be/9wf1FKQXYig
You have a chance to get latest annual DVD repo at the end of this Birds of a Feather session
Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D IVRC Executive Committee Chair of Laval Virtual ReVolution Associate Professor of Information Media KAIT (Kanagawa Institute of Technology) JAPAN
Agenda - IVRC BoF in SIGGRAPH 2013 12:00 Opening: Akihiko SHIRAI (Executive Committee / KAIT) 12:05 Keynote: Prof. TACHI (Chair of IVRC, Keio Univ ) 12:15 “Manga Generator” (Yuto NARA, KAIT) 12:25 “Perch on My Arm!” (Yumi NISHIHARA, Keio Univ ) 12:35 “Laval Virtual 2013” (Laurent CHRETIEN, Laval Virtual) 12:50 “Emerging Technologies 2013” (Dylan MOORE, SIGGRAPH) Conclusion / Photo session
Professor Susumu TACHI Chair of IVRC Executive Committee Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
What is IVRC? International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest establish in 1993 A contest of interaction and virtual reality by fusing art and technology. Honors the greatest Virtual Reality and Interactive works of students. New educational system through VR contest.
What is IVRC? Organized by Virtual Reality Society of Japan. Supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology. Held in Miraikan, National science museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Virtual Reality Society of Japan http://www.vrsj.org/
History of IVRC and Presence at SIGGRAPH Founded by Professor Susumu TACHI in 1993. 1993 First IVRC established and held in Tokyo as a part of ICAT 2002 First Appearance of IVRC work, Virtual Chambara
The First Presence at ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 IVRC Committee helps the champion team submit to SIGGRAPH as a reward to the winner. ➢ “Virtual Chambara”, SIGGRAPH2002 “Virtual Chambara”, SIGGRAPH 2002
History of IVRC Presence at SIGGRAPH 2002 First presence of IVRC work, Virtual Chambara 2003 THE DIMENSION BOOK 2004 Fragra / Dis-Tansu 2005 Straw-like user interface / Kobito: Virtual Brownies / Ton2 2006 bubble cosmos / INVISIBLE ~The Shadow Chaser~ / Powder Screen: A Virtual Materializer …..
History of IVRC Presence at SIGGRAPH 2007 BYU-BYU-View / CoGAME 2008 Ants in the Pants / Landscape Bartender 2009 Baby type robot “YOTARO” / Back to the mouth / Funbrella: making rain fun 2010 Haptic Canvas 2011 Mommy Tummy
History of IVRC and Presence at SIGGRAPH Founded by Professor Susumu TACHI in 1993. 1993 First IVRC established and held in Tokyo as a part of ICAT 2002 First Appearance of IVRC work, Virtual Chambara 2003 THE DIMENSION BOOK 2004 Fragra / Dis-Tansu 2005 Straw-like user interface / Kobito: Virtual Brownies / Ton2 2006 bubble cosmos / INVISIBLE ~The Shadow Chaser~ / Powder Screen: A Virtual Materializer 2007 BYU-BYU-View / CoGAME 2008 Ants in the Pants / Landscape Bartender 2009 Baby type robot “YOTARO” / Back to the mouth / Funbrella: making rain fun 2010 Haptic Canvas 2011 Mommy Tummy (*Only in E-Tech, Exclude Posters)
Agreement on International Cooperation at Laval Virtual 2004 Prof. S. Tachi (IVRC) J.F. Fontaine (Laval Virtual) IVRC and Laval Virtual will maintain an award partnership for three years (2004-2007): the Laval Virtual Award at the IVRC in Japan, the IVRC Award at “Laval Virtual’s Le Village de la Creations” in France.
International Cooperation with Laval Virtual “The winner of the IVRC Award in France will be invited to the Tokyo stage of the IVRC in Japan as a challenger. Similarly, the winner of the Laval Virtual Award in Japan will be invited to the final stage of Virtual Fantasy, category “Demos”, student competition of Laval Virtual, in France as a challenger. Conditions of invitation will be defined every year by each part of this agreement.” Laval City Sound Forest Jory Jory
Agreement on International Cooperation in Virtual Reality and Entertainment Technology Prof. Susumu Tachi (Chair of IVRC) Michelle Macau (ETC) Ambassador Agent for Donald Marinelli Executive Producer of ETC Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) and International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC), in recognition of the growing importance of the roles Virtual Reality and Entertainment Technology play in the 21st century, have come to the agreement: http://ivrc.net/
Partnership in SIGGRAPH 2010 Don Marinelli Executive producer of ETC
International Cooperation with ETC, CMU “Project Mirage” (IVRC2010), “Blogstacle Course” (IVRC2011)
IVRC2013 Semi final at the annual conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (18-20th September, Osaka) Demonstration in academic conference Grand final in Digital Contents EXPO 2012 (24-26th October, Tokyo) Demonstration in Public U-18: Youth section IVRC U-18 Youth section
20 years… 213 projects have been realized trough past IVRC. 3 persons for each projects, over 1000 person in VR! IVRC students become staff, Staff become grand professors now. 19 projects in SIGGRAPH E-Tech
IVRC2013 Wish to thank… Thanks for all partnership! You can join from $1000 donation
Agenda - IVRC BoF in SIGGRAPH 2013 12:00 Opening: Akihiko SHIRAI (Executive Committee / KAIT) 12:05 Keynote: Prof. TACHI (Chair of IVRC, Keio Univ ) 12:15 “Manga Generator” (Yuto NARA, KAIT) 12:25 “Perch on My Arm!” (Yumi NISHIHARA, Keio Univ ) 12:35 “Laval Virtual 2013” (Laurent CHRETIEN, Laval Virtual) 12:50 “Emerging Technologies 2013” (Dylan MOORE, SIGGRAPH) Conclusion / Photo session
(demo and talk) Yuto NARA Kanagawa Institute of Technology
(video presentation) Yumi NISHIHARA Keio University
Thank you for your attention ➢Since 2005 promote interactive techniques to pubic ➢13th – 14th , September, 2008 at Miraikan The biggest science museum in Tokyo ➢Tokyo Stage of IVRC ➢Inviting important interactive works. from SIGGRAPH 2008 New Tech Demo / ACE (Advance in Computer Entertainment) 2008 and more ➢Organized by Professor Tachi and VRSJ (Virtual Reality Society of Japan) http://ivrc.net/ http://ivrc.net/
Laurent Chrétien Director of Laval Virtual FRANCE
Laurent Chrétien Director of Laval Virtual FRANCE
General presentation Menu Presentation Mini-events More than 15,000 visitors each year -> 4,500 professional visitors -> 10,500 from general public (families, children…) Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Professionals, scientists, students and media From 40 countries: France Japan United Kingdom Germany Italy Spain United States …
Menu Presentation Mini-events Mini-events > Professional exhibition Exhibitions > Scientific conference Conferences > Laval Virtual ReVolution ReVolution > Student competitions Competitions > Laval Virtual Awards Awards > Professional conference Media coverage Partners
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Professional exhibition 4,000 sq. metres of exhibition space 5,000 professional visitors 130 exhibiting companies Dassault Systèmes Unity Barco Anticyp ESI Group Lumiscaphe Immersion Tobii Clarté Techviz … Increase your business contacts Get your company involved in an international event
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Scientific conferences 1st European event devoted to Virtual Reality. 150 delegations and 35 international papers 50 specialised speakers from the world of high technologies : - Alan Dorin - Bob Stone - Pr. Inami - Christian Sandor - Skip Rizzo -… This event covers all the fields in which Virtual Reality is applied: - Aeronautical - Architecture - Automotive - Entertainment - Health - Education -…
Menu Laval Virtual ReVolution World Performance of VR Applications Presentation Show the best worldwide Virtual Reality demonstration Mini-events Exhibitions 15 worldwide demos exhibited Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Aquatop Display E-Tech 2014 accepted Colloidal Display
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Student Competitions Two Competitions are available - DEMOS (Student projects) an open-ended competition for which you must bring your creation with you to Laval Virtual; - LIMITED TIME (30th for programming) : a time-limited competition with a project on a specific theme created during the event.
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Laval Virtual Awards For Professionals, Scientists and Virtual Reality Specialists Awarded by an international panel of specialists Several categories: - Architecture & Heritage - Culture & Art - Industrial design & Simulation - Medicine and Health - Transport & Mobility - Sciences & Humanities - Learning & Education - Engineering, Maintenance & Training - Business & Services - 3D games & Entertainement -…
Media coverage Menu Presentation More than 400 media repercussions Mini-events Unanimous media recognition Exhibitions - Press - Radio - TV - Internet Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners International partners
Menu Presentation Mini-events Exhibitions Conferences ReVolution Competitions Awards Media coverage Partners Thanks a lot ! Further information on: www.laval-virtual.org
Agenda - IVRC BoF in SIGGRAPH 2013 12:00 Opening: Akihiko SHIRAI (Executive Committee / KAIT) 12:05 Keynote: Prof. TACHI (Chair of IVRC, Keio Univ ) 12:15 “Manga Generator” (Yuto NARA, KAIT) 12:25 “Perch on My Arm!” (Yumi NISHIHARA, Keio Univ ) 12:35 “Laval Virtual 2013” (Laurent CHRETIEN, Laval Virtual) 12:50 “Emerging Technologies 2013” (Dylan MOORE, SIGGRAPH) Conclusion / Photo session
Photo Session Leave your comments on http://mysiggraph.zerista.com/event/member/81359 DVD See you next BoF at SIGGRAPH2014…!