November 11, 22
開発ベンダーに5年、ユーザ企業システム部門通算9年を経て、2018年よりトレノケート株式会社でAWS Authorized InstructorとしてAWSトレーニングコースを担当し、毎年1500名以上に受講いただいている。プロトタイプビルダーとして社内の課題を内製開発による解決もしている。 AWS認定インストラクターアワード2018・2019・2020の3年連続受賞により殿堂入りを果たした。 APN AWS Top Engineers、APN ALL AWS Certifications Engineers、AWS Community Buildersに数年にわたり選出。 個人活動としてヤマムギ名義で執筆、勉強会、ブログ、YouTubeで情報発信している。 その他コミュニティ勉強会やセミナーにて参加、運営、スピーカーや、ご質問ご相談についてアドバイスなどをしている。
Sandbox of company by AWS Control Tower Create a sandbox of company costs with AWS Control Tower and benefit from continuous external output
Mitsuhiro Yamashita(Trainocate) - AAI Champion ATP Award Best Instructor 2018,2019,2020 2021 APN AWS Top Engineers 100
AWS Sandbox of company ($570/Month) AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
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AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
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AWS Sandbox of company { AWS Organizations OU-AAI AAI a AAI c AAI b AAI d "Statement": [ AWS Control Tower Master { "Effect": "Deny", OU-Tool "Action": [ "route53domains:RegisterDomain", Test OU-Security "ec2:PurchaseReserved*", "glacier:CompleteVaultLock", Audit AAI e "snowball:Create*", "savingsplan:*" OU-Test "aws-marketplace:Subscribe", "rds:PurchaseReserved*", Test Log etc ,,,,,,,, Archive
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IAM User + Role, Cross account access AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
https://www.yamamanx.com/iam-user-password-mfa/ IAM User + Role, Cross account access AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
AWS SSO + Azure AD AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
https://youtu.be/_kzJ660gEuo AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuXKLgx8Bpw AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
https://blog.trainocate.co.jp/blog/199 AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
https://blog.trainocate.co.jp/blog/rekognition_profile_022 AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
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https://blog.trainocate.co.jp/blog/zoom-api-tool_022 AWS Sandbox of company AWS Organizations AWS Control Tower Master OU-Tool Test OU-AAI AAI a AAI c OU-Security Audit AAI e OU-Test AAI b AAI d Test Log Archive
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