The Amazing Hiroshima IT Beginners Community


October 30, 23


すごい広島 IT初心者の会
PyCon APAC 2023
Community Poster Presentation


Shuaruta Inc. ウェブアクセシビリティ基盤委員会 (WAIC) NVDA日本語版 すごい広島 with Python



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The Amazing Hiroshima IT Beginners Community すごい広島 IT初心者の会 Takuya Nishimoto 西本 卓也 @nishimotz / @24motz Shuaruta Inc. 1


Amazing (Sugoi) Hiroshima • "Amazing Hiroshima" is an IT-focused self-study session that is held every Wednesday in Hiroshima. • On the last Wednesday of each month, a special session called "Amazing Hiroshima with Python" was organized. 2


Hiroshima.rb • Since December 2022, we have been collaborating with the Ruby community in Hiroshima. • We want to sustain and rejuvenate a once-vibrant local community. • To achieve that, it needs to be beginner-friendly. 3


IT Beginners Community • From August 2023, this Python/Ruby-focused session has evolved into "The Amazing Hiroshima IT Beginners Community" • forming a new community for beginners with interests in IT in general. • We ask experienced participants to choose topics with consideration for beginners when speaking. 4


Monthly Meetup • Hybrid event at Cybozu Hiroshima Office and via Webex. • First, everyone will introduce themselves. For those who don't plan to speak later, we ask for a slightly more detailed introduction. • Those who want to speak will present or provide topics in turn. Impromptu speakers are welcome. 5


Python Boot Camp • Amazing Hiroshima with Python began in 2017 as a follow-up event for Python beginners' study sessions. • Counting from that time, as of October 2024, it has been held 79 times. 6


PyCon mini Hiroshima • The Hiroshima Python community has been active, undertaking initiatives such as hosting "PyCon mini Hiroshima". 7


Open Seminar Hiroshima • Recently, we've been involved in planning and operating another event in Hiroshima called OSH. • June 25th, 2022 (Held as a hybrid event) • Re: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers • November 11th, 2023 • How to Engage with Generative AI 8


NVDA: Non Visual Desktop Access • Nishimoto, who was involved in establishing the Python community in Hiroshima, has concurrently been active in the NVDA screen reader community in Japan. • NVDA is a Python product. • On November 2nd, NVDA Japanese Team will participate in an event related to visually impaired individuals in Kinshicho. 9


YAPC::Hiroshima 2024 and NVDA • In the YAPC held in Hiroshima in February 2024, despite being a conference themed around Perl, a talk by Nishimoto was accepted. • In other words, YAPC will also feature a Python product. 10


YAPC::Hiroshima 2024 • Members of the Hiroshima Python community are actively serving as staff for YAPC::Hiroshima 2024. • Let's meet in Hiroshima around February 10th, 2024! 11


すごい広島IT初心者の会 • • Each month's final Wednesday • We welcome discussions on the following topics. • • • • Things you've tried or created Generative AIs like ChatGPT Programming questions and consultations on Python, Ruby, etc. Electronic crafting and microcontroller programming. • Online participation is also welcome. 12