March 22, 24
A presentation slides for try! Swift Tokyo 2024's LT.
I am a break dancer (b-boy)
try! Swift Tokyo 2024 Unlocking the Boundless Potential of SF Symbols, “The Artistic World of SF Symbols" Osamu “Lil Ossa” Hiraoka, iOS engineer @Classmethod, Inc.
Introduction Osamu Hiraoka a.k.a Lil Ossa Working iOS engineer at Classmethod Social media / GitHub @littleossa
How many symbols have you ever used? 5000+
Some commonly used symbols chevron.right ellipsis camera heart plus magnifyingglass photo checkmark.circle xmark play trash square.and.arrow.up square.and.pencil gearshape paperplane person star globe keyboard house
SF Symbols Art
fi fi tree. ll fi SF Symbols art shield. ll faceid comb. ll
SF Symbols Art Afro boy
fi fi fi Exercise circle. ll cellularbars rectangle. ll triangleshape doc.plaintext. ll doc.plaintext lasso
Exercise Nosebleed
Exercise cellularbars poweron
Variable Color
Variable Color Symbol Effect
Image(systemName: "cellularbars") // ... .symbolEffect( .variableColor.hideInactiveLayers, options: .speed(0.6).repeating, isActive: isEffectActivated )
Exercise This is the key symbol parkingsign. steeringwheel
smallcircle. lled.cir cle. ll window.casement .closed gure.highintensit y.intervaltraining gure.australian.f ootball gure.strengthtrai ning.traditional music.note gure.martial.arts gure.walk gure.disc.sports gure.arms.open music.quarternote.3 speaker. ll capsule.portrait. ll oval. ll circle. ll eye. ll eye eyebrow fan. ll rectangle. ll drop. ll nose chevron.right chevron.left poweron square. ll mouth. ll moon. ll + fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi parkingsign. steeringwheel fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi Exercise moon visionpro. ll
Exercise Pants
Congratulations 🎉
GitHub SFSymbolsArtCollection https://github.com/littleossa/SFSymbolsArtCollection