ASTA2007講演資料「Using Mind Map forSoftware Testing Activities」


October 10, 07


2007年10月10日に「ASTA 2007 Software Testing Conference」での講演資料です。


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Using Mind Map for Software Testing Activities ASTA 2007 Software Testing Conference October 10, 2007 Mikio Suzuki(TIS) & Akira Ikeda (Hitachi Information & Communication Engineering)


Akira Ikeda’s self introduction • Akira Ikeda • Hitachi Information & Communication Engineering Ltd. • After I join the company… – design embedded system – QA department – Today, company wide as consult • promoting testing and its design technology • Other… – promoting testing technology to Japan wide • ASTER、JSQC、TEF、S-Open、etc… – writing book and essay (in Japan)


Mikio Suzuki’s self introduction • Name: Mikio Suzuki • Work: TIS Corporation – Developed Enterprise system, such as credit company system, web site for publisher – Today, consultant group in TIS – Member of JSTQB technical committee • writing book and essay (in Japan)


What is Mind Map?


Mind Map invoke what?


Unconscious Thinking






Testing Activities require creativities?


We use Mind Map for


Creating test cases (and other testing activities)


We see awful output!


We teach you


How to use Mind Map for Testing Activities


Introduction Mind Map in the world Mind Map is methodology to invoke ideas


Session Style • This session includes: – Presentation – Demonstration Movie


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


1.1 Why do we need to use Mind Map for testing? ・・・ • Beginner testers face difficulty to create test cases and other materials for testing. Help!!! Mind Map can be solution to create test cases for beginner testers.


1.2 Comparison between beginner testers and expert testers thinking … Beginner Specification Just copies from the specification Test cases !!! Expert Specification Think and covert from the specification to test cases Test cases !! Beginner Specification Think and covert from the specification to test cases Test cases


1.2 Then, we can say • “Beginner testers plus Mind Map nearly equals to Expert testers!” ≒ + Beginner testers Mind Map Expert testers


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


2.1 Mind Map, in general ※Ref : Wikipedia • A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. • It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.


2.2 Mind Map Guidelines ※Ref : Wikipedia 1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors. 2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your Mind Map. 3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters. 4. Each word/image must be alone and sitting on its own line.


2.2 Mind Map Guidelines ※Ref : Wikipedia 5. The lines must be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre. 6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image. 7. Use colors – your own code – throughout the Mind Map.


2.2 Mind Map Guidelines ※Ref : Wikipedia 8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping. 9. Use emphasis and show associations in your Mind Map. 10. Keep the Mind Map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


3.1 Benefits of Mind Map for adopting software testing • 1.Three problems of beginner testers • 2.Mind Map can get rid of your problems • 3.Other benefits when using Mind Map


3.2 Three problems of beginner testers Specs ・・ ・ Cannot explain about own created test cases Problem 3 Analyzing Specs Problem 1 Don't analyze specification Creating Test cases Review Test Cases Problem 2 Test Cases Cannot use testing techniques


3.3 Mind Map can get rid of your problems Analyzing Specs Creating Test cases Review Test Cases Don't analyze specification Cannot use testing techniques Cannot explain about own created test cases Any popped idea should be written Indicating process of thinking Mind Map


3.4.1 Five characteristics of Mind Map Only one paper for drawing Mind Map The results of the way of thinking The rules are not so strict Mind Map Easy to learn and Low installation costs Color and illustration


3.4.2 Solve the problems by using Mind Map Analyzing Specs Creating Test cases Review Test Cases Don't analyze specification Cannot use testing techniques Cannot explain about own created test cases One paper The way of thinking Color and illustration Free format Easy to learn, Low installation costs


3.4.2 Solve the problems by using Mind Map


3.4.3 We did test design by Mind Map and hear impression Analyzing Specs Creating Test cases Review Test Cases Don't analyze specification Cannot use testing techniques Cannot explain about own created test cases Beginner Expert "ItIt is isworth." worth Beginner Use testing techniques Beginner Expert "It Very is worth." happy


3.5 Other benefits when using Mind Map • Motivate engineers • Improve communication


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


4.1 Working step Specifications Design test cases Create test cases Test cases Mind Map


4.2 Drawing Mind Map Expense Sharing Calculator Total Expense Person Discount Amount Discount Percentage (Yen) (H/C) (Yen) (%) Calculate Expense for one person: (Yen) Amount Shortage: (Yen)


4.2 Drawing Mind Map Item Name Type Total expense Numeric Number of Person Digits In/Out Comments 6 Input Display comma separated. Minimum total expense: zero yen. Numeric 2 Input Minimum person: One person Discount amount Numeric 2 Input Minimum discount amount: One yen. Discount percentage Numeric 2 Input Minimum discount percentage: One % Select item Radio button -- Input Select one of discount amount or percentage Default selection is amount Calculate button button -- Input Click to calculate of expense for wach person and amount shortage Expense for one person Numeric 6 Output Display comma separated Amount shortage Numeric 6 Output Display comma seperated


4.4.1 Mind Map Sample • Mind Map is depend on person • Even these are written in Japanese, you may understand what differences are. AAA ・・・ Depend…? BBB ・・・


4.4.2 Mind Map Sample


4.4.3 Mind Map Sample


4.4 Difference between list type and Mind map type test cases • Develop normal test cases – It is ok a few slides on PowerPoint – It is difficult for reviewing, isn’t it?


4.5 Difference between list of test cases and Mind map test cases Test cases Date: Name: High level Middle level Low level Check input data Value of total expense NULL MINUS(-1) ZERO MAX VALUE(999999) MAX VALUE + 1 comma Special character Comma on total expense 3digits 4digits


4.5 Difference between list of test cases and Mind map test cases Test cases Date: Name: High level Middle level Low level Check input data Value of the number of person NULL MINUS(-1) ZERO LOW VALUE(1) MAX VALUE(99) MAX VALUE + 1 Special character ・・・・・・・・・・・・・


4.5 Difference between list of test cases and Mind map test cases Test cases Date: Name: High level Middle level Low level Calculation Discount amount Total<Discount Total=Discount Total>Discount Discount percentage ・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・ Difficult to review this!! ・・・・・・・・


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


5.Group session and review • Brainstorming • reviewing


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


6. The future activities • This mind map methodology is still undergoing. • We keep improving receiving feedback comment from many people.


Agenda 1. Overview using Mind Map for software testing 2. Abstract of Mind Map 3. Benefits when using Mind Map 4. Processes when using Mind Map 5. Group session &Review by Mind Map 6. Future Expansion 7. Appendix


7. Appendix • • • • Analyze Plan Execute Report


Analyze examples


Plan example テスト観点


Execute example


Report example